Let's Embark! On A Budgeting Journey

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Now I want to take a step back.  I have shared a bit about where my husband and I are currently with our budgeting (HERE and HERE) - a place that we have arrived through much trial and error but a place that has brought us the most reward and has helped make distant dreams a reality (more on that to come).

But if I was just starting my budgeting process and was told I had to make radical changes to my spending habits, I would become fearful and reluctant and discouraged.  That is why to this day I do not have a great exercise regime.  But whether is it dieting, exercise, paying off debt, saving, completing a degree, you name it, the goal can be accomplished with simple and small steps.

That is why I have taken a critical look at what methods we have tried over our years of budgeting as well as methods that other people have tried.  For one, I wanted to see what methods produced the best results.  But more importantly, I wanted to break budgeting down into basic and simple pieces.  I did not want to create a complicated, all-or-nothing budget plan that would send people running at the door.  Instead, I found manageable steps for creating and sustaining a budget whether you are just starting out or are seasoned at budgeting.  And that's "focused, weekly, cash."

I look forward to delving into the details of our budgeting process over the next several weeks and I hope that you will join me!
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