If it weren't so darn difficult to find the right sizes, a set of matching Christmas outfits would be bought, delivered, and hanging in my children's closets by now.
It's almost July - the time of year that I begin to dream about the Holidays. I'll even listen to the Christmas music station on Pandora because I love Christmas and Christmas music that much.
But I digress. Back to outfits. Maybe not this year, but these ensembles are in my children's future. My husband warns that they will look back on such photos and detest them. That may be the case, but it is my God-given right as a mother to dress my children in matching outfits during any time of the year deemed appropriate and especially during the Holidays.
I will write an update when I navigate buying matching Christmas outfits for the first time this year. Wish me luck!
I will write an update when I navigate buying matching Christmas outfits for the first time this year. Wish me luck!