I wish I didn't start out every blog post with "wow, it's been a while since I've posted" but that is life when you work and have two kiddos and soak up every second of every minute you are with them during the evenings and weekends. My plan all week has been to bring my camera to work so that I can be productive over lunch break but remembering something out of our routine is near impossible. On that note, I really want an easy, quick way to have access to my Cannon camera photos. But until there is a camera with wifi (or maybe there is and I'm behind on technology) then uploading once every three months is what I'll be doing!
I have also been a little absent because Autumn is my hands-down favorite season and November is my favorite month. In the months of November I have met my husband on an overseas trip, married that wonderful man, experienced the birth of our first child, and (nearly in November) have found out our second was a boy. And adding to that the Thanksgiving holiday, wonderful foods, hot drinks, cold nights, and Christmas music - needless to say November has one huge place in my heart.
And today my baby boy is 8 months old and my sweet daughter is nearly two. For only one more day will I have two-under-two (bittersweet). But I'm really okay with that...I promise...because I'm too full of thankfulness and hope for the future to in any way lament the passing of her baby years - two of the very best years of my life. So happy that in this month of Thanksgiving I get to honor a little girl for whom I'm beyond grateful and celebrate other momentous events in our lives!