I am soooo thankful for four-day weekends! This Thanksgiving holiday was such a great time to catch up with family and to spend some special time with the kiddos.
Thursday we camped out at my in-law's house for most of the morning and all of the evening. We ate a wonderful meal, watched some not-so-wonderful football, caught glimpses of the parade, woke the bug up from a two-and-a-half hour nap, and watched and laughed as she played with her cousin.
Friday I took the bub shopping while the rest of the fam enjoyed a daddy-daughter date to breakfast and target and the pet store! Saturday was my mommy-daughter day and we went to the park and the library for story time. While she napped I somehow managed to clean the downstairs, hang Christmas decorations, and then watch a movie while holding the baby! (I love love love holding sleeping babies - after all, babies don't keep!) Then we enjoyed Mass and dinner Saturday night, beginning the first day of Advent.
Sunday we took the kiddos to see Santa and reindeer! How is it that children know when you are putting them in dressy clothing and instinctively throw a royal fit? Even at the ripe ol' age of two the bug started a tantrum when I got out the tights and the dress (although she loves the dress shoes). We miraculously made it out of the house and were the first ones in line to see Santa...haha. We ushered a few families ahead of us so that we could demonstrate that they would be sitting with Santa, but alas no luck with the bug. At least we didn't wait forever in a long, long line! And despite that meltdown, there were reindeer to see and other fun activities to be had. My daughter (aka my husband and I) make a "snow globe" in one of the craft rooms. I think we are both a little (well, A LOT) rusty on our crafting skills because it. looked. terrible. I'm so glad she is still too young to realize that and instead praised our effort!
Sadly we did not visit with my family for Thanksgiving this year, but we are looking forward to seeing them at Christmas!
In other news, the bub started crawling! Second to holding a sleeping baby, this is another one of my favs. I'm mesmerized as I watch him explore his world in a whole new way. He will crawl from one object to the next from one end of the room to the other in pure joy and wonder. I can tell he is pretty darn pleased with himself, as am I!
We also enjoyed several home basketball games and turned the bug's car seat around so that it is facing forward (that's kind of a milestone too, right?). My daughter and mother-in-law also made national television during one of the basketball games!
From our weekend...
ra-ra and lu-lu
enjoying the parade
happy guy! (oh is that laundry in the background? playing with the kiddos is much more fun!)
new shoes :)
trying on her brother's hat
these two :)
during her first trip to the library (pardon the blurriness)
singing....always singing :)
this turned out much better than the "snow globe" which I will not be sharing!
our little cheerleader!
the TV debut.
Now we happily welcome the Advent season!