"Simply As It Has Been"

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I miss this blog of mine.  There is something therapeutic about writing and also about writing to an "audience" rather than my inner-self for only my eyes to see. 

I searched blog vs. journal and found a post that I identify with that said....

"So basically, and without my conscious intent, my blog and my journal become two very different stories about the same thing. My journal becomes a records of my life as I'm trying to make it; my life as I hope it will be; my life as I plan it. My blog becomes a record of my life simply as it has been."
                                                                                      -Andrew Wilber @ www.andrewwilber.com 

(this is the only post I have read of his and simply found it though my google wanderings, but I really appreciate what he said)

I like to record my life "simply as it has been."  I like the perspective of blogging.  And practically, I like being able to combine pictures and words.

I have been absent for some time - but I am so grateful to say that the absence was due to the enormity of making some big yet positive changes for our family.  My husband and I's "theme" for this year is SIMPLIFY and we are going at this full force. 

But it's a bit like cleaning out your closet.  Ugh.  Where initially you have this giant mess in front of you because you just extracted a truckload of stuff you had hoarded over the past years.  But with time, everything gets put back in place with purpose and intention and foresight.

I say this both metaphorically and actually, because in truth we moved homes!  Saying we moved is enough for most people to understand the headache that is experienced, but I want to emphasize that the move is only one piece of a larger project of simplifying our life.

As for the move, we are nearing the end as we begin to settle into our home.  As for our larger project, we are still in the beginning phases.  But it is still early in the year, Spring has officially arrived, and we are full of gratitude and hope!

I hope this has winter treated you well, left you with a warm heart, and made the anticipation of Spring all the more sweet!

my bub...and the fence my husband and I built together - two things I'm very proud of.

waving "heh-woh"

the bub and I spent his birthday together last week (more on that to come) and he crawled into his old bouncer.  I just had to include this because I got a kick out of how silly he looks in it now - not to mention the fact that it lays parallel to the ground due to his 12 month weight!  haha :)

precious boy around a year ago...so much change!

chillin' at the beach!  (more on that to come as well)

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